language: brazillian portugese

"Gooood morning, Shadaloo City!" - Street Fighter (1994)

a website dedicated to street fighter curiousities. want something specific right out the gate? have a SF3 4koma that you probably can't read!

since neocities doesn't support direct MP3 files or them playing in the background of a website, the theme i was gonna put in should go in here: [this'll open a new tab for your pleasure]

who's behind this?

a bored man who wants to share knowledge that he finds interesting, nothing more. if you want a name, it's lalo. you could also go with a nice 'teal' if you want.

note: this is very heavily a work in progress, as you can see. while it's no longer a white void with black text, there's still work to do.

i also intend to add brazillian portugese and chinese translations for this site, but considering that i already have friends who can do that for me, i don't need to hire a translator-so that'll come...someday. the good news is, the nation of brazil is being put first-all i need is to replace a single twitter link for one translated page and it'll be golden.
